Claudia Habringer | in resonance

  • in resonance with Ludovico Einaudi
  • Tage der offenen Ateliers in Tirol 2022
mixed media

Fotography, Lines and Colours

II have always loved to combine things that actually and conventionally and apparently do not belong together. But maybe they do, because who dictates what goes together? The zeitgeist, fashion, society, friends, media, politics, culture? … New creations emerge. Images that grow out of themselves, as the need for change arises. Sometimes it’s small steps and sometimes big.

At the moment I use my photos that disappeared in the drawer years ago and rearrange them. They were outdated photos with little graphic technical aids that were taken with an old webcam.

The lack (no terrific high tech graphic equipment) helps me to get interesting pictures. High end is not always high quality to release high creativity .

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